our mission

The Track2wing Project’s mission is to provide a way for individuals with mobility challenges to participate in hunting and training activities that involve sporting dogs by giving them an Action trackchair. While Track2wing encourages use of the trackchair for other hunting, fishing, and outdoor pursuits, our passion is for sporting dogs and the hunter-conservationist lifestyle.

how it works


Track2wing was founded in 2020 by Terry Wilson and Nancy Anisfield. We are a self-funded, independent LLC with a volunteer Advisory Committee. The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association, Pheasants Forever / Quail Forever, and the Ruffed Grouse Society / American Woodcock Society support the project by helping us spread the word through their communications and social media.

application & grant

Applications are open January 1 - March 31 each year. Applicants must submit a completed form, a photo, and two letters of recommendation. A statement of financial need, medical documentation, or a phone interview may be requested. In April, the Advisory Committee reviews the applications and selects the trackchair recipients. Applicants are notified by the end of April.


Trackchair recipients are then connected with an Action Trackchair dealer to spec the trackchair and place the order. Along with the full cost of the trackchair and its delivery, Track2wing also provides allowances for accessories and a trailer. Once the trackchair is delivered, the recipient owns it outright and is responsible for any additional expenses.